UPS-Systems for Industrial Applications – Series ENERTRONIC I
The requirement for power supply reliability is growing, due to the increasing application of information and data carrier systems, text processing, automated production processes and complex data networks.
Irregularities due to loading of the public power supply by major users, peak-time use or by lightning strikes cannot be avoided.
General Features
- IGBT UPS technology(rectifiers / inverters)
- optionally rectifier with Thyristor (SCR) technology
- particularly suitable for non-linear loads
- single and three phase output
- power range: 10 to 240 kVA
- input voltage
- 3ph 400 V ± 15%
- further voltages on request
- output voltages
- 220 V / 230 V / 240 V (± 1%)
- 380 V / 400 V / 415 V (± 1%)
- further voltages on request
- fail-safe
- circuit design
- digital controller
Maximum Availability
- parallel switching capability (redundancy)
- extensive signallingand monitoring functions
- static bypass switch
- service bypass
- galvanically isolated
- temperature-controlledcharging
- battery circuit test
- battery capacity testby means of energy recover
- high quality of output power(parameters)
- excellent immunity to interference / electromagnetic interference